Safe Ministry relates to the training and policies about how we keep vulnerable people safe in our church. This especially relates to children and young people but also those with a disability or the elderly. 

All Saints Nowra is committed to creating a safe environment for our children and other vulnerable people. We have a Safe Ministry Representative (Catherine Apperley) who works with the ministry team to ensure that goverment policies as well as those of the Anglican church are implemented within our church. 

The Office of the Director of Safe Ministry provides training to our congregation members who will be working with vulnerable people and those working with children and young people have working with children checks (through the Office of the Children's Guardian) and safe ministry checks (Through the Diocese).

All Saints Nowra have implemented the Child Safe Standards and review these and our policies annually or as changes are required by the government or the Diocese.

For more information or to access the training or policy documents please click on the links below.

If you have a concern about something that has happened in a church context or believe something could be improved please contact Catherine Apperley or one of the ministry team to discuss.

Face to face training

Online Training

Junior Safe ministry course (for 13-17 year olds)

Policy documents from the Anglican Diocese (Known as Blueprints)

Faithfulness in Service (Code of conduct) also available on Safe Ministry Website

Incident Report - Link to fillable word document please complete and email to (paper copies available on noticeboard)