Geoff is married to Anne. With three adult children Geoff and Anne are learning the empty nest thing. Geoff studied at Moore College, is a tragic fly fisherman, enjoys getting out bush and snow camping, and is a bit snobbish about coffee.
Ministry Team
Rev Geoff Thompson Senior Minister
Rev Rusdyan Cocks AssisTant Minister,
GrowGroups, welcoming & Integration, serving departments
Rusdyan trusts in Jesus and longs for others to do the same. He has lived in Sydney for most of his life and now calls the beautiful Shoalhaven home. In his spare time, you’ll find him reading the newspaper, down at the beach, or catching some cricket and footy.
brendon garlett
Brendon pastors ShACC Shoalhaven Aboriginal Community Church. Brendon grew up in W.A., is married to Amy and together they have 6 children. Brendon can be talked into a round of golf
Hannah Shadlow Children's minister
Hannah is leading our children's ministry and comes to us from Anglicare where she has worked with families. She and husband John have their own young family and understand all the challenges that come with the joys of parenting in a modern era.
Catherine Apperley Safe Ministry Rep